The Truth about Timeshare Fraud

There’s no doubt that timeshares are becoming less popular today. This is due to the new generation’s changing holiday habits, looking to explore a range of destinations thanks to low-cost flights and a truly global tourism market.

However, for some, timeshares offer a great alternative to an expensive family holiday by securing a place in sun year on year, with a guaranteed stay that’s already paid for. The concept is simple, spend thousands of pounds every year and you “own” the property you visit – or rather, you own a small villa or apartment for one week each year. If you miss that time window, you simply keep paying the fees and hope you can visit the next year instead. 

This is the best-case scenario. The worst? Getting scammed, defrauded and mis-sold investments on a criminal level. 

Anfi Timeshare

The Nordic Consulting Vs Anfi Timeshare: A Case-Study 

Large payouts and successful court cases are the hallmark of The Nordic Consulting. In the last few months, a series of successful cases have brought our name and credibility to the forefront of timeshare claim Spain against Spanish timeshare companies.

One of Gran Canaria’s biggest timeshare companies, Anfi, raised eyebrows after it was investigated for fraud over alleged misdemeanours surrounding avoiding payments to consumers for mis-selling timeshares.

Since the 1990s, tens of thousands of European holidaymakers have acquired Anfi timeshares to realise their dream Spain holiday dreams – however legal mishaps and infractions of consumer protection laws has put Anfi at the heart of a timeshare legal case, with The Nordic Consulting leading success for our clients at every turn. 

However, thanks to The Nordic Consulting lawyers’ efforts, we are now reporting that our clients have finally begun to receive the large payouts they deserve from Anfi Timeshare thanks to a successful Anfi Claim against Anfi Lawyers.

Click here to see every Anfi claim success by The Nordic Consulting and the details behind it, with a monetary value reaching well into the hundreds of thousands of Euros.

If you bought timeshares with Anfi Timeshare in Spain after 1999, then it is likely that you can claim your money back plus compensation. Contact the Nordic Consulting, and our lawyers will review your paperwork to let you know if you have a strong case for an Anfi Claim.


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